The Next Steps

Cab Drivers United/AFSCME Council 31 is on the move and winning real improvements!

As a result of our work, the City has agreed to the following reforms:

Here are the proposed changes:

  • Reduce the cap on credit card fees to 3%.
  • Lower the leases to tier 3 level on cabs after the 1st model year – saving between 10 and 20% for lease drivers.
  • Reduction of the maximum fine by 60% from $1,000 to $400.
  • Sharing of advertising revenue in the form of lease reduction for drivers.
  • Authorize universal apps for better access to drivers and customers via a centralized dispatch system.
  • Task Force to address lack of due process at 400 W. Superior and the meter rate for all rides originating from the city to the suburbs.
  • Police to receive trainings on fair enforcement of taxi and rideshare violations.
  • City will be using the Office of the Attorney General to provide assistance in lease violations enforcement

Some of these reforms are in the newly-introduced ordinance.To make these improvements real, we need to keep growing our union and building our power.

Join our movement for change—show your support by signing your CDU/AFSCME Council 31 and calling your Alderman. Let’s build support for this and other lasting reforms.