About Us

What do we stand for?

We are the cab drivers who keep Chicago moving. However, City policies are deny us the basic rights and respect that all people deserve.

We come together to for a democratic organization with a powerful collective voice to fight for the right to be treated fairly and justly by the city, and to have a voice in how we deliver services to the public.

  • We deserve Fair Treatment
  • We deserve Equal Justice
  • We deserve a Voice in the decisions that affect our profession
  • We deserve to Earn a Decent Living

Why We Are Coming Together With AFSCME
Taxi drivers are not new to AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

New Orleans drivers have built their union with AFSCME and are growing stronger. Now Chicago drivers are coming together to form our union as Cab Drivers United – AFSCME Council 31.

Drivers will have their own local in Council 31, and we will be able to draw on the experience, the power and the resources in Illinois to help us win a strong, effective voice in the decisions that affect our profession and our livelihood.

AFSCME Council 31 is 100,000 members strong in Illinois. AFSCME combines the strength of the largest union of the AFL-CIO with an organizational structure that guarantees our voices will be heard.


America’s communities never rest. Streets need cleaning. Families need care. Students deserve well-run schools, and our neighborhoods demand safety. That’s why people who work in public service never stop. This isn’t just a job. It’s a calling. The work matters because it means something to make a community better.

AFSCME believes that every person working to sustain their community deserves respect. As part of the AFL-CIO, AFSCME is one of the nation’s leading advocates for working women and men. Our 1.6 million members provide the vital services that make America happen, and we believe everyone deserves a chance to fulfill the American dream.

AFSCME is the union that honors solidarity without conformity, drawing each member’s story into a force of experience and commitment that can’t be ignored. That’s how we win better lives for ourselves, our families, and our communities. For people proudly committed to public service, we never quit.

We are AFSCME, join us.