As of July 1, 2016, the Taxi Driver Fairness Ordinance requires all affiliations to lower their credit card fee to a maximum of 3%. A year ago the fee was at 5%, however as a result of our union support the city agreed to a 2% decrease over the year. As the Chicago Tribune said earlier this year, this change will help drivers who may get cheated out of tips.
“I am glad that the city is following through with this needed change. It is definitely a win for us drivers today!” said Driver John Hilt, a Cab Drivers United/AFSCME Local 2500 member.
This change will now allow drivers to keep more of their income at the end of the week when they go to return their receipts to the affiliations. In short, this is a small change that will leave a little more money in cab drivers’ pocket.
While, this is a victory, we still have many battles ahead of us. However, our union is proud to help support drivers in our road to equality and success, and as always, encourage drivers to reach out if they are not being treated fairly.
This includes if affiliates are not following the 3% credit card policy, which is now illegal. We thank all of you who helped make this possible!
Through, your union and your hard work, together, we have made a difference for all of Chicago’s cab drivers!